Fuller Jax

I may not be who I ought to be. I know I'm not all that I want to be. But I've come a long way from who I used to be. And I won't give up on becoming what I know I can be.

Entries 7

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May 12, 2014

Mothers Day weekend in All

I did not contact my mother- got a big long guilt text from my father: "The mail just came and I am heart broken there is on Mother's Day card for your Mother. Emails and texts don't cut it. I...

Surprisingly, I am a well adjusted and fully functioning member of society. Despite growing up in a messed up environment I think I turned out pretty normal. I am pretty. I am physically healt...

April 23, 2014

Growing Up in All

I remember constantly complaining to my friends about my mother when I was younger. My mother was strict, overprotective, crazy, mean, and most of all never let me do anything fun. And that's h...

April 11, 2014

Self awareness in All

I always prided myself on being a relatively stable person. I do not get angry or lose my temper, I don't cry at the drop of a hat, even when I have PMS. In fact, I don't ever cry. I don't eve...

April 03, 2014

Perfect Childhood Disected in All

Nobody has a perfect childhood. Nobody. And mine was no exception. Earlier I wrote about my perfect childhood. Now I am going to tell you about it from the perspective of a girl with wide ope...

April 02, 2014

Mothers with NPD in All

"Mothers with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are in a very good position when you think about it. Where else would a Narcissist get such a ready, biddable, vulnerable source of Narcissistic Su...

April 01, 2014

My Perfect Childhood in All

From an outsiders point of view my childhood must have looked amazing! I was not a child of divorce. I had 3 siblings; 1 older brother, 1 older sister and a twin sister, and of course we had a d...

Books 1


7 Entries