Timmy™ ⋅ 40

My name is Timmy™, formerly authorcode C104458 on OD. (Successor to A624512) Jersey born and raised, currently living in an OK state. I like cheese, feminism, bad puns, pegging, and Star Trek. Some entries are filtered. Don't be shy. I only bite if we have a safeword in place.

How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.

Samwise The Brave, "The Two Towers"

Entries 957

Page 6 of 39

Slept 11 hours last night. Quality of sleep was good; still didn’t want to get out of bed. Sounds nice on paper, to just laze in bed with two cats. Wasn’t too difficult to talk myself into going...

Apathy and boredom. Sometimes I go to bed early not because of something exciting in the morning, but because I’ve run out of ways to pass the time. Still feel like I’m living past the end credit...

You know, it just hit me that I’ve never had both parents like me. You know what I mean, dating partners. There’s one parent that kind of takes a shine to you, and the other tolerates you. And...

One of the perks of being a forum-goer is I end up repeating responses to certain queries over and over. Each time, like starting a painting anew^, the response becomes more refined. ^Oh, that’s...

I dragged my feet filing a claim, despite it starting as an online thing. I spent a few minutes with a very burned out claims lady. Even when I’m confused, I still have an animated retail voice...

I always feel tired on rest days. Gym is closed today for some religious bullshit, so I went yesterday for a light workout. (Somehow, OHP, squats, and curls qualifies as light for me.) I slept...

30 workouts in 6 weeks. I write it down to read it, as I seem to not feel much as things happen. I seem to be the type to yearn for some begotten era. Constantly nostalgic. All “I used to…” W...

Beat my ten year old 1RM. Pulled 345 lbs for a double. Did consider going for 355 lbs, but decided to favor delayed gratification. The work sets are going to get heavier and heavier. Back-off ...

Yesterday was a High Gravity Day™ in terms of deadlifts. Really, my grip kept giving out. Well. Felt like it might. Last thing I want is the bar slipping out of my hand mid-lift. That’s aski...

April 03, 2022

Ha ha. in The Napkin.

Has the term “cheeto snorter” or “cheeto sniffer” been used as an insult to describe republicans who still worship stale cheeto? Asking for a friend.

There’s a reason I get irked when people call walking exercise. Is walking good? Yes, that’s not debatable. But if walking is exercise, then there’s something wrong with you. Everyone should b...

Who had petty gossiping on their Public Consciousness Bingo? Oh gawd, SHUT UP. Makes me wonder what the next thing will be. We’ve been foreign policy experts. Medical experts. Stale cheeto st...

On paper, deadlifting 5x5 @ 275 lbs sounds like maximal heavy work. It is, but it ends up feeling like damned cardio, even with five minute rest periods. I can’t fathom doing it without an anal...

I seem pretty comfortable in stagnation. Hopefully the hot water situation is done. The carpet is finally dry. Who doesn’t hate having wet feet? The new heater worked for like a day, and then ...

I pulled 335 lbs for a double. Nice. New 2RM, 10 lbs off from my best all-time pull. But I must tip my fedora to the woman in the squat rack next to me. Barefoot, pregnant, squatting to parall...

It’s part of why I got some of my tattoos. The meaning should be clear. I got of my tattoos as reminders to myself. At the time, I had a bit more of a resilient headspace. A struggling, a fig...

March 16, 2022

Blank. in The Napkin.

Mind is in one of those states where it’s sure firing fast, but there’s… nothing attached to the gerbil on the wheel? I got nothing? Tell me a bad pun.

March 15, 2022

The Gateway. in The Napkin.

As I was heading out of the gym and back to my car, I passed a woman and a medium small boy following her. Because small medium somehow has a different connotation. Made me think “gosh, that’s ...

I was only mildly distracted during my workout. It was too early to try contacting Wifenado. (I never bring my phone to the gym; I knew I would have to borrow the phone of the front desk lassie...

Vacuuming up buckets and buckets of water out of the carpet is oddly therapeutic. Vacuum floor, receive reward! Did call maintenance yesterday, but well. It’s a Sunday today. I’ve triple-check...

March 12, 2022

Weekends blow. in The Napkin.

Second rest day in a row. Weird how it messes with my head. I have no desire to do anything. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve written that. I would have just stayed in bed and done “nothi...

So anyway, I was in the middle of one of my seven* lateral raise sets when two ladies changed exercises and started doing hip thrusts in my general direction. Being orthogonal to me, relatively ...

I had just finished my workout and was washing my hands in the room where boys wave their penises around. Because I like having clean hands. Don’t want to get funky bro-sweat on my steering whe...

Former is a low stress compared to the later really effecting my wife. I knew bad shit would happen after my vacation. Might elaborate when my head clears.

Vacation endings are another altered state. Not quite back to reality, but no longer riding the dopamine or serotonin. Currently waiting at port for a bus to where Airk’s car is parked. Last crui...

Books 6

436 Entries

427 Entries

6 Entries

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122 Entries