
Site Updates

by simple mind

Entries 230

Page 3 of 10

Well friends, It’s been an interesting internet ride on the prose box thus far (I’d stick in a picture here, but just imagine one of those ugly cube-shaped cars). As the year comes to an end, I ...

December 03, 2014

Cyber Monday, "Half Off"

Oh man, it has been one crazy week. I need a week dedicated solely to napping. Between being swamped at work and being a bit under the weather, I have not got around to writing the glorious ent...

October 16, 2014

Comment notification update

OK, so someone pointed out that the comment notification system isn’t quite as awesome as it could be, since it doesn’t notify people within the comment thread that there’s a comment below them, ...

October 15, 2014

Comment notification update

A popular request was to add replies to other people in a user’s entry as part of the comment listing. That update has been added! So you will now see ALL comments left on your entries, not just...

October 09, 2014

New profile fields

I’ve had a few requests for this and thought it would be a nice thing to add. It’s totally optional. There’s now an Edit My Profile button on your profile page. You can add the following: Gen...

September 29, 2014

Entry Privacy!

Yeah, it’s a big update. You now have the ability to change the privacy level of an individual entry! Basically, how it works (or how it’s supposed to work anyway) is that when you write a new e...

September 24, 2014

Networking issues, now solved

Prosebox’s cloud hosting provider was having some networking problems earlier, but they appear to be resolved now. Everything should be cool and groovy again.

September 22, 2014

Profile page update

Have you ever wanted to see all of your entries in one central place on Prosebox? Well, now you can! I reorganized the profile pages a bit, and added an entry listing very similar to what you’re...

September 15, 2014

Terms of service update

By the time you read this entry, you will most likely know about the new Terms of Service and have agreed to them. It’s been on my to-do list for forever and has not been one of my favorite thin...

August 24, 2014

Markdown change... again

I’ve had a few people reporting 404 errors when trying to preview or save an entry. There seems to be a problem with the new Markdown parser I added recently. When it breaks, it breaks in drama...

August 20, 2014

You asked for it

I've been wanting to add this feature forever anyway. I mean, really, if there's anyone on this site that needs the ability to reply from the Comments Inbox, it's ME. So I will really enjoy thi...

August 15, 2014

Better Markdown

Let me just say that I believe this latest update will be awesome1. It should enhance and fix the current Markdown2 formatting. I think I've found a better tool for converting Markdown, so add-on...

August 13, 2014

Brilliant idea I just had

OK, so I just wrote an entry about "jeremy wade shirtless" being one of the top search terms for Prosebox. I wrote the entry because it's funny, but it has led to some interesting comments that ...

August 06, 2014

Comments closed

You will notice a new "Comments closed" option when editing entries. This will prevent anyone from adding new comments to your entry. So you can: Write a new entry and check that box immediat...

July 28, 2014


WOOT! So I added this cool feature that a few people wanted that allows you to revise (I use the word revised since I'm already tracking Last Updated) your entries, and mark them as revisions so...

July 23, 2014

Mark as unread

There's been several requests for this one and it was reasonably easy to implement, so I did it. Now, if you click on an entry, start reading, then realize you need to come back to it later, jus...

Granted, it's pretty rudimentary at this point. The export feature will export an entire book to a text file, dumping out all of the published entries in chronological order. It gets sent to a ...

July 16, 2014

Annnnddd... we're back!

And assuming all went according to plan, our database server is no longer on the same box as our web server! (this is a good thing)

July 16, 2014

Site Upgrade

First of all, on a personal note, thanks for all your wonderful comments to me. There are way too many to try to respond to individually, so here's a group hug. You may or may not have noticed ...

Or at least I hope. I've learned a bit about image formats since I started Prosebox. Apparently there's this thing called EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) which wreaks all kinds of havoc o...

June 20, 2014

Down this morning

Many of you probably noticed that the site was down for a couple of hours earlier this morning. Something was hung up on the server and the memory was maxed out. I restarted it and things are l...

June 13, 2014

Sorting books

I moved the book sorting feature out of the profile page and on to its own page. Someone pointed out to me that the book links weren't working on mobile (which is strange because I thought it us...

Prosebox will be going down very briefly for maintenance in a few minutes. Just a heads up to back anything up before attempting to post it. UPDATE: Aaaand we're back.

May 28, 2014

Better bookmarks

OK, so this has been on my list quite a long time, and I thought it would be pretty cool to actually get this one working. On the Bookmarks page, on the Unread tab, you'll now see a icon in the...

I've been doing a little bit of minor tweaking which you may have noticed. Nothing major, except for in the comments section. The good news is that comment thread depth is now unlimited. It do...

Book Description

Crazy architecture

A place to keep users updated on what I fix on the site as well as new/improved features.