The Ides of Marrchage 2 in idea barrages
- March 15, 2014, 8:02 p.m.
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1.) So many friends marching in the Utica St Pats Parade. Don't slip in any of the... ah... previous beer.
2.) Last night, I dreamed I was an MLB bench player getting my first chance as a starter but visiting well-wishers distracted me and I failed.
3.) Or, of course, the Kardashian musical GENTLEMEN PREFER BLANDS.
4.) The shortest distance between two points is a lie.
5.) I still say that if we designed a card party game that was good called "Trigger Warning" it would sell like mad.
6.) A Chinbeard In Every Pot, A Fedora In Every Garage! #WhiteManMarchProtestSigns
7.) Basically, they sing a bunch of songs about Ireland in Muppet voices. They're called "Frogging Molly".
8.) He got caught posing as a church official and was arrested for Petty Parsonry.
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