may18 in idea barrages
- May 17, 2019, 12:48 a.m.
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1.) Trump as contrapositive to Gatsby, born too rich to ever suffer the consequences of a lifetime of failures and crimes, feigning normalcy through terrible taste in food, TV & sex. Tom Buchanan masquerading James Gatz so as to make people believe him Great.
2.) There’ve been so many people, already great, forced into the role of warrior. There’ve been so many great people who were warriors but never once because of that. There’s nothing great about war and nothing made great by war, especially people.
3.) Is trying to breed the perfect yeast for your beer “brewgenics”?
4.) I don’t know much but I do know that if the minor Star Wars character Kit Fisto had a theme song, it would be eerily similar to the jingle for the “Kid Sister” doll back in the 80s.
5.) I wonder how much you’d have to pay Jake Lloyd to cut a “now THIS is PODCASTING!” promo for your podcast.
6.) In the same way that you call a baseball player who mostly just homers, strikes out and takes walks a “three true outcomes” hitter, I think Tim Curry might be a true outcomes actor. Everything he’s in is either great, awful or so awful that it’s great.
7.) When the American economy is finally buried after being killed by vulture capitalism that valued short-term profits over long-term institutional health, I vote for the epitaph “Toys Were Us”.
8.) Just put a little green food dye in the batter and sell ‘em as “Teenage Mutant Ninja Churros”. If nothing else, before the lawsuit comes, you’ll have the catchiest ad jingle in town.
Squidobarnez ⋅ May 17, 2019
that last one made me think of the Ninja Turtle pudding pocket pies I used to bring to the summer-recreation program I went to as a youngster.