au8 in idea barrages
- Aug. 7, 2018, 1:37 a.m.
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- Public
1.) When you graduate from Mohel College, they play “Pomp and Circumcision”.
2.) A Batman themed prom called “A Knight To Remember” will never happen but it would be the first actually interesting prom ever.
3.) When Disney fully owns Fox , can we get an occasional re-dress of the Disneyworld Monorail to match the old Simpsons classic? That’d be even radder than Spidey gettin’ to hang out with Wolverine.
4.) There are no longer intermediate seasons in northern New York state. There are only “deep-freeze” and “oh God, I am melting”.
5.) Your fusion of death metal and rockabilly will be called “WRECKABILLY”.
6.) You do you but if I wanted to watch a teevee show about people pretending to fall in love, I would watch actual actresses and actors do it to a well-written script, not well-scrubbed idiot randos pretending they’re not pretending but again, you do you.
7.) You can tell yourself “things happen for a reason” & it might make you feel better but it doesn’t make things better. Things happen & then we apply reasons ex post facto. Accept it, embrace it, move forward in the strength that the one thing we’ve control over is interpretation.
8.) If strangers know you better than they do your work, you’ve failed. If the people near to you know your work better than they know you, you’ve failed as well.
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