ja7 in idea barrages
- Jan. 7, 2018, 12:51 a.m.
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- Public
1.) Your company making boutique bras for the modestly-chested will have the slogan “Support Small Business”.
2.) Wishy-washy Kylo Ren, taking so long to Sith or get off the pot.
3.) Remember in this new year, even if the Democratic candidate turns out to be flawed, if you’re in the Utica area and you don’t vote for that person, you’re voting for Tea Party Tenney, Trump’s lackey.
4.) Whenever they finally put Saturday Night Live out of its shambling misery, I just wanna be the one who writes the headline “Saturday Night Dead”.
5.) Your grandpa wiped one generation of Nazis off the face of the Earth. If he’s still alive, lovingly call him “Grandbo” the next time you talk and then follow in the family tradition.
6.) Am I the only person who doesn’t cook much but loves cooking shows as television wallpaper in the background nonetheless?
7.) I take my responsibility as the first person to realize how well Butthole Surfers’ “Pepper” and Warren Zevon’s “My Ride’s Here” would mash-up VERY seriously.
8.) When Godzilla rises from the sea, sing “Mister TO-HO risin’, Mister TO-HO risin’…“
Squidobarnez ⋅ January 07, 2018