o3 in idea barrages
- Oct. 3, 2017, 6:06 p.m.
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1.) All the ancient men with their pumped up dicks, takin’ pills takin’ pills, boners at a hundred…
2.) Success doesn’t make you a good person. If you succeeded by hurting others, you are bad and you should feel bad.
3.) I like to pretend I think Dragonball-Z and Jay-Z are related in some way.
4.) Any murder after a yoga class is premeditated.
5.) did the movie MOTHER at least have the good sense to have Danzig’s Mother over the closing credits?
6.) It’s too bad Luke Skywalker isn’t real because I can never shake his robot hand and be all “Cool hand, Luke”.
7.) Do gay termites come out of the woodwork?
8.) Whenever people talk about their tabletop RPG Dungeons and Dragons session, pretend you think they have a tabletop rocket propelled grenade.
9.) If your “right” to hoard murder buttons to feel like a big man matters more to you than this, I don’t even know what to say. “Well-regulated” is stated as the whole point of the apparently more precious than human life amendment but no regulations? America’s veneration of selfishness is the problem. “I don’t want taxes higher so die sick”. “Guns make me feel like a big man so die lots.” A preventable tragedy and then 1,000 craven selfish reasons why it would’ve been inconvenient to prevent. Goddamn us all. There are ways out of this horror. They will be hard and they will take work but there are. I don’t have a lot of hope but I have hope. If we had a national conscience, after Sandy Hook every town would’ve had a smelt & we’d’ve burned these murder buttons away. But we don’t. A nation of “Christians” but they’d give up anything, sacrifice 60 people in a twinkling, for their golden calf The Gun. Gloat about your misinterpreted 2nd Amendment, gloat that you can hold the power to murder at your hip but you’re gloating over graves.
10.) A basketball themed craft brew called “Got Hops”.
11.) Violence & the power to threaten violence are crutches society uses to not work together, not overcome difference, not grow. Cast them away.
12.) You who chase bliss, I understand. You who chase power, I can reason with. You who follow compassion I’m with. You who chase normal are mad.
13.) Crohn’s Disease is not funny but imagining a Halloween ad with a “moderate-to-severe crone” in it is.
14.) When I was a kid I lost family, my hero to a crazy man getting his hands on a gun. 60 families in Vegas shouldn’t have had to know this too. When these happen, I am back there. Sandy Hook. Orlando Pulse. Every single time, I’m there again. Platitudes about “freedom” and about how big your cock feels when you know you could kill everyone in the room because you got one in your pocket mean nothing in the face of knowing what is lost when you lost someone to the senseless monster that is the American Cult of the Gun. And my heart yells “NO ONE SHOULD EVER KNOW THIS FEELING!” and my voice yells it too and no one goddamned listens. They care too much about text-book legal theory or their lust for that feeling of power. And then it happens again. And again and again and again.
15.) The Schrodinger Cat is not about being both dead and alive, it is more simply about what we can and cannot know for certain.
Neogy Titwhistle ⋅ October 03, 2017
Squidobarnez ⋅ October 03, 2017