a10 in idea barrages

  • Aug. 9, 2017, 8:47 p.m.
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1.) The best name for a Shakespeare-inspired porno is, of course, “As You Lick It”.

2.) I was so disappointed when I found out “robotripping” was just “drinking a lot of cough medicine”. I hoped they were injecting nano-bots.

3.) No one present knowing Pinocchio’s origins as a puppet, all attended were baffled by his last word “Rosewood”.

4.) 5 minutes later, Dorothy realized “Water you so afraid of?” was the perfect kill-quip and it bothered her for the rest of her life.

5.) Your film about the Trojan War will be entitled FULL HORSE.

6.) Did Eternia have a chiropractor? CYRO-PRACTOR? He must’ve made a mint off Man-E-Faces.

7.) The corny joke centre of the brain is the Mazola Oblongata.

8.) The Trumpies value ignorance above all else and try like hell to thinkshame us.

9.) Instead of a teevee show that’s a shell of its former self, re-work it into a motivational affirmation. “Saturday Night? LIVE!”

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