a11 in idea barrages

  • Aug. 10, 2017, 9:54 p.m.
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1.) One good thing about social networking we all can agree on: it has negated the entire concept of a class reunion.

2.) In reality, by putting “Fair Play” on his costume, Mr. Terrific would just be dooming himself to being known as “Captain Fair Play”.

3.) Steve Bannon’s rap name is “Hate-Dogg”.

4.) Updating horse fiction for the millenials with such titles as “My Friend Flocka”.

5.) Performance and arts venues are the real fulfillment centres, you jackals. You’re talking about slave-wage warehouses of stuff shuffling.

6.) Being single in your 30s is like losing a game of musical chairs every single waking moment and having to deal with it.

7.) Legit Mandela moment last night: Louie Anderson on CONAN, distinct memory that he died six or seven years ago.

8.) If Batman’s cover was as a porn actor, Alfred would HAVE to be named “Chatsworth”.

9.) I know that there is a band called “Taking Back Sunday” but I also know I’m too old to know anything more about them than that.

10.) I wonder if the pets understand that when I call them “weird” it is more of an honourific than if I call them “good”.

11.) The only humane use for privilege is to cancel someone else’s privilege out.

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