july8 in idea barrages
- July 7, 2017, 5:34 p.m.
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1.) The phrase “Elks Lodge” sounds a lot more like “Elk Slodge” when spoken outloud and I want it to be A Thing.
2.) If there are sub-reddits about submissives, submarine ships & submarine sandwiches, who gets to be the official sub-sub-reddit?
3.) While it’s important to eschew commercialism, if someone is selling you an “eschew commercialism” shirt, it may not be from an honest place.
4.) Neologisms to make language more precise and inclusive GOOD. Neologisms to prevaricate in the defense of cruelty BAD. There. The rules now.
5.) There’s actually a third Mario Brother, Cameo, but he is rarely seen.
6.) At a certain point in Youtube viewing, you have memorized every single royalty-free music track in the history of the human race.
7.) This round of nightmares: the one where it’s college finals and there’s one class I forgot to ever attend. Unfinished business dreams.
8.) Hey Cera Cera/he’s not Eisenberg Jesse/they look alike, I agree/hey Cera Cera
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