618 in idea barrages
- June 18, 2017, 3:55 a.m.
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1.) You aren’t letting people down if you pull back to get yourself together. You can only help others if you’re healthy enough first.
2.) I don’t know who infuriates me more, the far-right wackos who invented “Deep State” conspiracy theories or the far-left wackos who buy them.
3.) I demand a conspiracy theory about how the middle of the phrase HELLOKITTY is “LOKI”.
4.) Having a pencil without something to sharpen it is pretty much pointless.
5.) Failing as yourself is always better than succeeding as “Larry The Cable Guy”.
6.) Conan the Hipster Barbarian just smashes mushrooms and tea leaves into his grog and calls it Krombucha.
7.) The good news is: we’re fighting back harder than I ever thought we would. The bad news is: it’s still not enough.
8.) If a Born Again loses their faith, are they a Dead Again? That sounds fun.
9.) A paranoiac, an ignorant trust-fund baby, a vapid C-grade teevee star. All the worst of Nixon, W & Reagan at once, Trump.
10.) I want more foods like “A Hint of Lime” chips. “A Suggestion of Lemon”. “A Whisper of Vanilla”. “An Insinuation of Cheese”.
11.) The best of us have haunted houses for heads, to better speak for the dead, so it doesn’t happen again.
12.) Until recently, I thought Lularoe was a kind of sushi.
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