to the tune of SPOOKY in idea barrages

  • May 7, 2017, 9:43 a.m.
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  • Public

at the edge of the cosmos
when everyone is crooked, kind of shady
you show up in your ship
with three weird looking dudes and one green lady
first I say no, I’ve got no skill for that crime
but then I guess, there’s a first time
space is kinda crazy with a Groot and a raccoon like you

you never learn your lesson
shootin’ to the music of the seventies
goin’ planet to planet
blowin’ the high hell out of the heavens
I’m sure you’ll lose… but then prevail through sheer luck
and then I meet… Howard The Duck
space is kinda crazy with a Groot and a raccoon like you

if you decide someday to stop this little game of starships and lies
they will just replace you because Marvel has to con-tin-ue the franchise
with someone else, they’ll throw them up on the screen
they’ll never stop, while the money’s green
space is kinda crazy with a Groot and a raccoon like you

grooty, grooty, oh whoa, all right
grooty, oh yea yea
I said grooty yea yea

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