87 in idea barrages

  • Aug. 7, 2016, 4:01 a.m.
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  • Public

1.) Listen to the shattered people groan about the shadow people, drones down through the sideways peepholes, conspiracy, conspiracy.

2.) Remember what it says on the New York City bridges: If you see an entity, CNN titties.

3.) Your Disney EDM song will be called “Can You Feel The Wub Tonight?”

4.) Instagram and ritual scarification are both about brand management.

5.) If your goal is proximity to greatness, that’s your business, but never confuse proximity to greatness with actual greatness.

6.) Hell hath no furries but for wolfmen scorned.

7.) Your group purchasing site will be called Froogle. You will be sued into oblivion.

8.) Catch Olympic fever! LITERALLY.

9.) Find your other-ness and hang onto it for dear life. That sense of feeling somehow abnormal, it can keep you humane.

10.) Your dreams will eventually be forgotten. Your nightmares will eventually be forgotten. You get to choose, though, which will linger.

11.) No matter what you are, you are a product of the combination of male and female biology, of course it isn’t a binary.

12.) Your college comedy is forfeit without an authority figure named Dean Stockwell.

13.) You will see through the white-out, down to the first strokes and the accidental pattern will be glorious.

14.) This chapstick is the balm diggity.

15.) Little Falls is a pack of feral dogs, beautiful and free, but something still lost when the worldliness was left behind. Utica is a Bosnian girl hand-feeding a dog that is smaller than a cat, there in the fullness of the summer.

16.) God will not know you by your final draft, rather by the pattern of your revisions, what you add what you subtract is what you leave behind.

17.) There is no alpha there is no omega there is only the holy act of process. Without doggerel, no revelation. Without revelation, no doggerel.

18.) Some will vote for Trump out of cruel ignorance, some will vote for Stein or Johnson from the lack of perspective that comes w/ wild theory. The rest of us will hold the balance of pragmatic sanity in the palms of our fragile hands.

19.) Faith is grief hoarded and weaponized, laid out for terrible numbing purpose. Love is knowing pain and wanting no one else to ever feel that pain again. Money is fear condensed into matter, we’re all so afraid of not having and these are the receipts for our terror.

20.) Priced out of Brooklyn, everyone who didn’t go home went to Detroit. Dunno what it says about D or BK but I know what it says about home.

21.) Of course Athena was the goddess of defensive war. Wisdom is always besieged at all sides by those who think cruelty’s the new way to win.

22.) Thin, her face lost its substance, thin, her breasts lost their glory, thin, her form lost its stories.

23.) The girl with the chicken pox fetish wants to go to your place and see your itchings.

24.) The love of chalky candy is just neccophilia.

25.) You cannot destroy information, you can only create more to cover it up. Reality is a palimpsest, that’s the big secret.

26.) Memory itself is palimpsest, fine parchment starched over for reuse but eventually the past she will scratch back through. Thru. Thru.

27.) If you can make an Eagles song sound good, you can do goddamned anything, use your power wisely.

28.) The only people who want to read your Dorf slash fiction are the people who commissioned your Dorf fan fiction.

29.) Goonies can’t play Dungeons and Dragons because Goonies never say die.

30.) At the least, when you factor in my self-defeatingly high standards, if I have a crush on you, you must be amazing.

31.) A crowd sourcing site called Panhandlr.

32.) It’s like Zak Snyder’s entire life has been about getting his picture next to the dictionary definition of failing upwards.

33.) If I ever had a non-comedy rock band, they would definitely be called The Science Heroes.

34.) Peter Bogdanivich takes a lot of time to edit because he gets bog down iviched in the details.

35.) Little known fact, The Star Wars Holiday Special was based on a previous film, Star Wars.

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