621 in idea barrages
- June 21, 2016, 4:06 a.m.
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1.) Fossil examples of the Michaelceratops are often confused with those of the Jesseeisenbergadon.
2.) “PewDiePie” is actually Swedish for “Forced And Annoying”.
3.) The most successful Scandinavian spy film of all time was The Bjorn Identity.
4.) Axl Rose’s celebrity wine would be very easy to name because all he’d have to do would be put an accent mark over the “e”.
5.) At a certain point, you have to just own your cultural blindspots. I am weirdly proud that I know diddly-crap about Game of Thrones.
6.) A solid homage to “The Treachery of Images” would be a painting of a power drill with the caption “This is not a drill”.
7.) So when Donald leads us into World War Three against everyone, will we call our battle amputations a Trump Stump?
8.) There are people who think they can pretend a program is magical by calling it an “app”. Don’t let them win.
9.) (Nerdiest Joke Ever) If Superboy can shatter DC Comics’ continuity with a single punch, does that mean they have a glass canon?
10.) The painting “Nighthawks” except with actual hawks in the diner.
11.) Any song with “money” in the title can develop into something about mummies. “Lawyers Guns and Money” is probably next.
12.) Baio is just endorsing Trump to promote his Netflix reboot “Joanie Loves Fascists”.
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