330 in idea barrages
- March 29, 2016, 11:33 p.m.
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1.) Only I could feel guilty when I start thinning out my facebook event acceptances to be more budget-realistic.
2.) Charlie Brown grew up to be a successful bereavement councilor, best known for his self-help book “Good Grief”.
3.) The dog has realized I’ve caught on that he’s actually the world’s fattest rabbit but I don’t think he knows I won’t judge.
4.) “Harrigan’s Wake”, similarly, is a non-linear series of tales involving a pub crawl of Kingston Ontario and a creepy leprechaun.
5.) The realization Ted Cruz & Seth MacFarlane are the same man, hellbent on ruining our culture from two different angles, explains everything.
6.) It’s a sandwich of mashed potatoes between two patties of potato pancake. It’s called The Dublin Down. It’s… pretty terrible.
7.) Took a nap to try and mitigate an astonishing headache, ended up having two hours of the most surreal dreams of my life, including having a lover who was an AI whose license was about to expire, having to go back to high school in my middle thirties except high school now worked by the rules of a late 80s/early 90s Nintendo Japanese RPG and having to drive my brother to Ilion in a rickshaw then my legs falling off when I got back. When I woke up, the headache had only slightly improved.
8.) Don’t tell people to be things that they can’t, support them in being the things that they can.
Squidobarnez ⋅ March 31, 2016
I hope your headache has gone all the way away.