326 in idea barrages
- March 26, 2016, 9 a.m.
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- Public
1.) If there’s moral, immoral and amoral, are there mature, immature and amature? Can we all be amature?
2.) I want at least two “Or Lando, Florida” jokes when they expand the Star Wars section at Disney World.
3.) I demand 30,000 “CheaTED” Ted Cruz affair headlines. AND PICTURES OF SPIDER-MAN!
4.) There aren’t enough recontextualizations of KIM POSSIBLE where the leader of North Korea is a high school spy.
5.) When a judge sustains an objection, is that object permanence?
6.) Name your tech gibberish thing “Kong”. Go with the slogan “the old killer ape is the new killer app!” Collect all the venture capital money.
7.) I always liked the idea that most super-villains are actually heroically distracting the superheroes from becoming zealot dictators.
8.) Using every part of the buffalo’s all well and good but it would probably be cold comfort to the buffalo were you able to ask and he answer.
9.) Only you can prevent future bad movies, by not going to current bad movies. It’s like Smokey Bear but with dull grimdark nerdbait.
10.) I’m not a good authority figure because my heart bleeds for everyone. My heart says there are alternatives to tough love called love.
11.) There’d be a certain symmetry to THE WALKING DEAD doing an Easter special every season as some shows do for Xmas or Halloween.
12.) If patriotism’s the last refuge of scoundrels, “it’s just a popcorn flick!” is the last refuge of people attached to a bad film.
13.) Only in America could we call “exploiting the desperately underemployed with sporadic work they must be on call for 24/7” “the gig economy”.
14.) We’re a coupla typos away from Grodd Friday, a holiday celebrating giant telepathic gorilla.
15.) I really hope there was a rapper in the Philippines called “Manila Ice”.
16.) Maybe these days honour wouldn’t have ruined Camelot, Arthur could’ve let Gwen go and a golden age would’ve reigned.
17.) If you find the term “merkin” offensive, we can always go with the tamer term “area rug”.
18.) Just inject this near the corners of your eyes and you’ll be able to look like you’re not bored at the Dave Matthews show. It’s brotox.
19.) The rare times you see Chewbacca’s feet are disturbing, I don’t know why. I keep expecting Chewie to wear boots.
20.) If you don’t understand the benefits of a trash-based lifestyle, Oscar will cansplain it to you.
21.) Confusing the entitled position with the default position is one of the great misunderstandings of the privileged.
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