36 in idea barrages
- March 6, 2016, 6:29 p.m.
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1.) You get the feeling that Trump is more a self-aggrandizing used car salesman like Cobra Commander but Cruz would be Serpentor, burning the world down to get to Jesus-La.
2.) You know what’ll be the worst thing about Hillary Vs Donald? All the goddamned “Lady And The Trump” headlines from hacks.
3.) If you’re the jealous type, my unconventional good looks will mean you won’t have many rivals to worry about. There’s a silver lining.
4.) Another fun cultural mash-up would be “Peter and the Wolfenstein”.
5.) The moral of Romeo and Juliet is that not allowing sex until marriage screws everything up. Let ‘em get their bone on, casual style.
6.) It’s like there’s a riot in my pants and everyone’s incited!
7.) These people were MORTIFIED Bill had an affair now they ENTHUSIASTICALLY vote for a guy who brags about his cock during debates.
8.) RESOLVED: the intro to “Santa Fe” from the musical RENT is the optimal sound-check for the bass guitarist.
9.) Traditional photography is more tactile than digital but it’s not without its negatives.
10.) What do online dating sites and the Roanoke Colony have in common? They’re both for settlers and end in disaster.
11.) Subliminally, 60% of the name “Scrappy Doo” is the word “crappy”. Now, you may not have noticed it, but your brain did.
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