220 in idea barrages
- Feb. 19, 2016, 11:08 p.m.
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1.) There aren’t a lot of “Yo’ Mothra” jokes.
2.) A musical about lawyers called Get Rich or Die Trialin’.
3.) I didn’t buy tacos on the way home, didn’t buy burgers on the way home, didn’t buy fries on the way home, these are actual accomplishments.
4.) If your Muppet Halloween special isn’t called FROG GOES TO HELLTOWN, man, it isn’t worth a damn.
5.) Remember, “The Great Recession” is only over for the investment class. For the rest of us, the empire never ended.
6.) If you’re OCD these days, best to be a pacifist, this age of asymmetric warfare would drive you crazy.
7.) The reduction of your unfair advantages is not oppression.
8.) Has there been a Scottish-themed wresting tag-team called the Natural Born Kilters?
9.) “Got a promotion” is passe as a term. Why not “embossed”?
10.) The adult-store mogul was incredibly self-satisfied.
11.) Were there more overlap btwn sport fans & MST3K fans, a headline about the Chargers moving could be “Spanos The Hands Of Fate”.
12.) My “Barker Poopiss Can’t Lose” reference while walking the dog was lost on him.
Squidobarnez ⋅ February 21, 2016