212 in idea barrages

  • Feb. 11, 2016, 11:10 p.m.
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  • Public

1.) Corner a generation with medical bills, student loans & subsistence jobs. Give us nothing to lose. See what happens.

2.) It shouldn’t matter but when I go to another state & see their different scratch tickets I feel like I’m in a parallel universe.

3.) If something would be a huge story if it were real but you’re only reading about it on social media, it’s a hoax.

4.) In England, the Human Torch is just a guy with a flashlight for a hand, he’s not nearly as cool.

5.) The incoherent rantings of the last of the Oregon “militia”, that’s the endgame of the paranoia you profit off of, right-wing media.

6.) Furries makin’ dad jokes are all like “THAT’S WHAT SHE SHED!”

7.) Last nightmare, I was in a superhero universe experiencing a flux of reboots around me. My nightmares are getting conceptual.

8.) Places I need to go because I have friends there & I need to travel to rediscover myself: San Francisco, Philadelphia, Portland.

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