1122 in idea barrages
- Nov. 22, 2015, 5 a.m.
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1.) Who’s jolly? he said and laughed in that special way, who’s jolly, he said then went “ho ho ho”.
2.) All I want is a giantess who’ll laugh at my jokes & tell me I’m handsome but all I need is a normal-size lady who’ll do the same.
3.) Arthur was only good when he had Excalibur, what a one-hilt wonder.
4.) The first time you heard the term “Panty Raid” you thought it was a spray for pubic lice, it’s okay, you can admit it now.
5.) Fox News just tried to say that riots tore the city of Ferguson apart. Nothing doing, fascists, the cops tore that city apart.
6.) Shutting down a terrorist org’s twitters is like tearing fliers off a bus stop in front of their office, don’t pat y’self on back too much.
7.) I feel like we could get over all the other little problems of being human if we just didn’t have to work or die.
8.) It would make so much more sense if we just called polka “pole dancing”.
Squidobarnez ⋅ November 23, 2015
these made me smirk.
I hope you're enjoying your now.