119 in idea barrages
- Nov. 9, 2015, 9:12 p.m.
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1.) I can’t picture myself referring to a group of friends as “Squad” unironically ever.
2.) It is difficult to imagine an idea more desperate and craven than Saturday Night Live letting Trump host.
3.) They’re not offended Christmas is a months-long marketing plot to profit the already wealthy, they’re offended its not Christmas ENOUGH.
4.) If you need your religious beliefs reinforced by the place you buy your morning coffee, that’s on you & your paper-thin faith.
5.) Without a significant other to tell me to shave or not, I mainly just keep the beard cuz my dad’s cat likes it. Felix digs beards, I dunno.
6.) Next time you see a guy with a very short ponytail, refer to it as his “man-bun in the oven”.
7.) “Consider the lilies in the field, they must be yea tall to ride yon ride” is my fav line from The Sermon On The Magic Mountain.
8.) In the mash-up THE BIG BUKOWSKI, The Buke meets Jackie Treehorn and just goes to work for him, the end.
Narrator ⋅ November 10, 2015
2 - I figured it was the result of blackmail.
4 - faith is thicker than Starbucks?
Squidobarnez ⋅ November 10, 2015
I hope you're enjoying your now.