117 in idea barrages
- Nov. 7, 2015, 6 a.m.
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1.) I try my best to stay positive but sometimes I feel like I have all the irons in the world in the fire with none poppin’ out.
2.) I gotta say, whenever I heard the term “audiophile”, I imagine a person who does unsavoury things to car stereos.
3.) My short term goal right now is to be able to breathe out of both nostrils at the same time again, some day.
4.) The new Star Wars Land at Disney had damned well better have Admiral Snackbar’s Restaurant.
5.) I kind of hope BB-8 turns out to be a really horrible character, just because so many people bought its toys a year before the movie.
6.) I’m such a baby about upper respiratory sickness, you guys. Other than waking up to walk the dog and eat lunch, I slept all day.
7.) A good 90s comeback would be “she’s got more issues than Kleenex got tissues”.
8.) Has anyone just given in and sold pumpkin spice sriracha bacon yet?
9.) The weird thing about DVD bonuses/EPK stuff is you’re still seeing the actors play characters, just now they’re “lovable actors” characters.
10.) Young motion-capture actors leave home and run away to join the Serkis.
nothispenelope ⋅ November 07, 2015
audiophile wow.......
Squidobarnez ⋅ November 08, 2015