Donald Trump is an Asshole. in The Napkin.

  • Sept. 2, 2015, 9:34 a.m.
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If you think the President has a lot of power, you’re a bit misguided. If those “checks and balances” work, no one person can ruin a country. But what the President does have is a giant microphone.

Would you rather have a president that celebrates social progress, or says “fuck you Mexicans, you’re rapists and drug dealers.”

I’ve never been so scared of a Republican being President. Everything prior has been a gaffe. Eight years ago, Biden was “unelectable” because of his so-called gaffes. Guys. There’s a difference between a gaffe and being A FUCKING ASSHOLE. Romney got shit for that whole “binders full of women” thing. It was a GAFFE. There’s a huge difference between a gaffe like that and the kind of misogyny that Trump spews.

I think of recent elections. Romney was out of touch, but not an asshole. McCain? I think he’s a good guy. Kerry had little to say, and was obviously not an asshole. Bush wasn’t an asshole, he was just a dumbass. Gore didn’t show his true colors until it was too late - definitely not an asshole. Bush Sr followed the party line and wasn’t an asshole. Dukakis wasn’t an asshole. Reagan was a bit more of a dumbass than an asshole. And way back in 1984, Walter Mondale said, “Mr. Reagan will raise taxes, and so will I. He won’t tell you. I just did.” Definitely NOT an asshole.

This HAS to be a farce. Mister Trump hasn’t stopped and he hasn’t apologized. You want this asshole to represent our country? Fucking move to Russia, they have a pretty big asshole there. We had eight years of Bush embarrassing us. You want that again?

What if it was your race? What if you were Rosie O’Donnell? What if you were a woman?

I hope Republicans get their fucking heads screwed on straight and don’t allow this asshole to win their primary. I’d rather deal with a third fucking Bush presidency than this asshole.

(Not that Trump could win the general election, I’d just rather not risk it. Feel the Bern, bitches.)

Last updated September 02, 2015

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