Today... in Secrets from myself

  • Nov. 26, 2013, 10:41 p.m.
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  • Public

Today was kind of busy. Some of it anyway.

i talked to s. today. He didn't have much time which was just as well.

i got myself up to do some of the things I needed to do.

About 1 pm the Buick and I left home with two pails of shelled corn in the back seat. We (Buick and I) stopped at Joana's and hauled the pails into her house. I forgot to bring the empty pails home. I did bring home a last week's local newspaper. It has my niece's wedding picture and writeup and I thought I'd scope out any help wanted ads. Joana is going with her friend to a Thanksgiving dinner put on by a local caterer. She will come to my house for supper.

Buick and I went to town to the southwest where I used to work part time in addition to my full time job - from 1997 to 2001. They made wiring harnesses for vehicles. I'd work from 5 to 9 pm four nights a week. It was fun until it wasn't fun anymore. The job changed not me. I realize that is an old story and if someone told it to me I'd be suspicious.

Anyway I applied for a job with them - they had a very long complex application too. At one point they wanted me to write three sentences - in my hand writing - about why I would be a good employee for them. I no longer have any handwriting. It was not pretty.

Then I went across the street and applied for a job in another factory that makes farm equipment. It was a very quiet office.

Both receptionists were very young and very kind.

Then I came back to my own town and deposited two check for Jim at his bank and two for me at my bank. My last pay check and the one for the unused vacation and sick days finally came in today's mail.

Then I went - still taking the Buick with me - to the grocery store and bought a whole bunch of groceries.

Almonds - small sack

Aluminum foil - generic, long and narrow

Apples - two bags, Gala and McIntosh


Beans, black and red - two cans each

Bread - whole wheat, Sara Lee for heaven't sake

Carrots - 2 lbs.

Corn - frozen

Corn chips - two bags store brand

Ground beef - 85% lean, two pounds

Ham -

Leinenkugels Honey Weiss - 6 pack

Milk - two gallons - 1% fat, dated De.c. 10

Nuts - mixed and fruit - small sack

Olive oil - extra virgin

Orange juice - half gallon

Peanuts - in shell, big sack, 2.5 lb @ 1.69

Pears - 5, 2.27 obs @ .99

Pepper - green

Pop - unpopular kinds, 7Up, root beer, Dr. Pepper and orange crush - 4 12 packs for $12 with coupon

Popcorn - white

Rice - brown

Ritz crackers - two boxes for $3 with a coupon

Rolos - caramel chocolate candy

Salsa - Pace big jar mild and chunky

Squash - big buttercup

Sun Chips - green onion, now just come in small bags, 2 for $5

Sun Dried Tomato Chicken Breast - little over a lb.

Tomatoes - 3 Romas

Tomatoes - large can

Turkey - 11 lbs. @ 79 cents a lb. after spending $50 with a coupon

Total $128.25

I forgot to buy cookies.

Notice my list is alphabetic. I really need to learn how to make bullets. A list is not a list without bullets. I can make numbers - sorta - but not bullets.

I drove by the pond in the park twice. It has just frozen over - dark ice with little white puffs of snow. I had the camera and it would have made an interesting picture but I didn't bother to take it. Earlier along the road to the town to the southwest, there had been snow drifts - not big ones - but still artistic ones but i didn't take their picture either. If you feel the need for artistry and/or personal attention, just snack on some of my groceries.

I stopped at farm store to buy 40 lbs of cat food (Gracie poaches) and some of Ted Nugent's cold weather diesel fuel additive.

I came home - still with the Buick. I brought in the groceries and the mail and put them both away.

I got on line and reported my mail to the mail places - don't ask, it's too complicated. I also put my claim in for unemployment - reporting the two days of vacation pay. The site is nice and clear and works well. They asked me if I had made my job contacts in person, and of course I had.

Then I started the fire and then I ate some stuff and then I played on the computer.

Son John called. They are coming down tomorrow afternoon. I told him Joana was coming down Thursday evening and we would have the holiday then. He and Deb want to see the new Hunger Games movie Friday night and we get the kids. Will is doing math. He adds big numbers and carries. I forgot to ask about Katie and Hans. I have the little table in the place where Hans' crate goes. I will have to figure out a place to move the table.

I worked on my 750words and my NaNoWriMo. My goal is 1667 words a day so I will end up with 50,000 words by the end of the month. That is supposed to earn me a badge. I have an unholy respect and desire for badges. It's not an obsession. Badges aren't an obsession. But maintaining my three hundred and some day streak is an obsession.

I like to write here - I feel free to write whatever I want here. I don't think anyone in my real life world reads this.

Happy holiday everyone - if we don't get to talk again.

NorthernSeeker November 27, 2013

What a lovely, long entry full of life. I feel like I have so much to say about various aspects of it.

Wish I could make lists and bullets. Lists and bullets seem to be part of the way I want to write here.

I'll be jealous of your turkey dinners tomorrow. Black Friday on Friday. In a way I'm glad we don't have the same focus of shopping in Canada but it's something that is growing.

Your writing mojo is admirable. You've been doing it very consistently...a lot of focus for a long time. Good luck on your book...50 000 words by the end of the month is huge.

NorthernSeeker November 27, 2013

When you go out on your excursions, take a camera. A few shots here and there to show us winter. No drifitng snow here. It's been hovering around zero so the ground is soggy.

woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ November 27, 2013

Our zero is so much colder than your zero. Bank clock/temp said 19 yesterday afternoon. Brisk! With wind enough to drift the snow.
Shopping is an evil things, IMHO, We have lots of evil that we don't need to export worldwide. I like the Thanksgiving holiday though - it's relatively wholesome.
Giving up wheat and sugar keeps me from buying a lot of them - some for others, but not a lot It makes decision making so easy. I just skip all the baking and candy making stuff. Even those sweet pretzel, Rolo, pecan turtles aren't something I'll make again. Though I'm tempted to do it with/for grandkids.... though Will can't have dairy and no doubt Rolos have some dairy in them. There. Good. Double excuse not to.

aglow November 27, 2013

Hi, you! <3!

It's SO much easier to do lists over here than it was on OD. Check out this awesome entry that explains all the basics:

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