Some basic formatting secrets in Tips and Tricks

  • June 13, 2013, 10:12 p.m.
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  • Public

Prosebox uses Markdown (in addition to a limited subset of HTML for security reasons) to allow users to do formatting in entries. Keep in mind that there is a Preview button so you can experiment very easily with this stuff!

OK, so let's say you want to italicize some text. You can do it like so:

Oh no you *didn't*!

Oh no you didn't!

And for bold:

I can't believe it, **great googly moogly**!!!

I can't believe it, great googly moogly!!

Here's a big heading:

Vote for simple mind

Vote for simple mind

A smaller heading:

Rock on

Rock on

A bulleted list:

* Chicken
* Eggs
* Toast
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Toast

I believe pluses and dashed also work:

- Coolness
- Hotness
  • Coolness
  • Hotness


+ Zoot
+ Suit
  • Zoot
  • Suit

URLs are detected automatically and converted into links:

And you can add a picture like so:

![Spider Monkey](

Spider Monkey

And you should be off to a pretty good start!

Deleted user June 14, 2013


B June 14, 2013

Spider monkeys rock!

Deleted user June 14, 2013

Going to try these in my next entry.

FitLadyDi June 16, 2013


Deleted user June 17, 2013

I tried out the bullet point things and thank god for the preview button cause without it I wouldn't have known you have to put a space between the bullet point and the text or it won't work. Having to save it to see how it looked and then edit it would have a been a massive pain in the rear end. So big yays for the preview button!

Also, being able to right click and use the spell check is HEAVEN <3

I would like to see some sort of tool bar for editing entries, just so there's a button to click to center align and stuff like that. You know, for the lazies >.>

Also, I'd really like it if the whole text box for entries was short enough to fit on the screen without having to scroll down. Cause one my entry gets to a certain length, I have to scroll down a bit to see the rest of the text box and then I can't see the top of what I wrote. I don't know if it's the same for everyone or maybe it's just me? I tried resizing the box on my own but it won't let me make it any shorter. Something to look at?

Anyways, hopefully that stuff helps some! :D

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ June 17, 2013

Thanks for the feedback! I plan to start a Site Updates book so I can say "I added this" or "I fixed that." Shortening the entry box will be an easy one so I'll add that to the list.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ June 17, 2013

Awesome! Thank you.

And site updates book- great idea :)

Decayed Elvis June 29, 2013

Awesomeness! Now... What about a YouTube video?

simple mind Decayed Elvis ⋅ June 29, 2013

Still working on that. Since Iframe or embed tags are a security vulnerability (see Open Diary for a god-awful security mess) I want to just detect youtube Urls and embed them on the fly.

KimmieD July 04, 2013

thank you. i was feeling kinda stupid not being able to figure this out!

Rick July 11, 2013

Thank you so much for this entry, and also for welcoming me to Prosebox.

simple mind Rick ⋅ July 11, 2013

You're welcome! Happy formatting!

Deleted user August 04, 2013

Very cool. Thank you!

Jewelsi August 09, 2013

so is there a way to do strikeout?

simple mind Jewelsi ⋅ August 09, 2013

HTML is supported too, so <s>strikeout</s> should work.


•kitkat• August 11, 2013

Maybe I'm stupid or something (and I very well could be) but how do you center something? I've tried both <center &gt;="" and="" <center="" &gt;="" and="" even="" <c="" &gt;="" (obviously="" without="" the="" spaces="" and="" with="" their="" respective="" <="" whatever="" you="" call="" those.="" <="" p="">

simple mind •kitkat• ⋅ August 11, 2013

Yeah, sorry, the <center> tag is not supported on Prosebox. What you can do is add the class text-center to any HTML element you want to center. So:

<p class="text-center">A centered paragraph</p>


<img src="" class="text-center">

I think that works.

•kitkat• August 11, 2013

And I have no idea why it formatted my comment like that.

janeanger August 15, 2013

Here's a question: let's say I want to do a list of plusses and minuses, using + and - to begin the items (which are positive or negative in the way you likely guess). How do I turn off the automatic changing of those characters?

For now I am going to remove the space between them and the first letter, but this is a format of entry I enjoy and would like to employ.

(Apologies if I missed the answer somewhere; I did check this and several other entries and didn't see an obvious answer.)

simple mind janeanger ⋅ August 15, 2013

There is a trick. You can preface characters that Markdown converts with \ to avoid that behavior. So....

\+ excellent. 
\- bogus

+ excellent. - bogus

Let's see if this works...

simple mind janeanger ⋅ August 15, 2013

Well mostly worked minus the line break.

janeanger simple mind ⋅ August 15, 2013

Works for me! That'll do just fine.

janeanger simple mind ⋅ August 15, 2013

P.S. Thank you! I am terribly happy to be here and cannot wait to throw money at you for this service!

Deleted user August 16, 2013

After about 17 tries (I'm way dumb about formatting and such) I got a picture to show up from a website. I am SO happy about that! Does this mean, though, that to post a personal pic I still have to go through photo bucket or the like?

kmh. August 19, 2013

Thank you for these, very helpful for me! I am having trouble inserting a photo which I have uploaded on Photobucket. Can you please tell me which link I should use? (I am not very clever at technology, please talk to me like the dumb person I am on this topic)

Deleted user August 31, 2013

Awesome thank you Obi1! ;)

SilentCreatures September 16, 2013

Thank you :D

Deleted user September 21, 2013

I put a URL to a youtibe page in an entry and instead of a link (which I want) there is a big black box in the preview instead. How do I get a link?

This is what put:

Speaking of epoxyclyptic music, I also like the Handsome Family (again, one of my favorite groups)'s take on the genre:

Deleted user September 21, 2013

but instead of getting link, as above, I got a big black box in the preview view.

Deleted user September 21, 2013

Ah, I see it's by design. Well, OK, but I'd still like to able to put in the links if I choose (and have them open in a new tab). Can I do that?

Deleted user September 22, 2013

re my previous notes: OK, black boxes were my fault at this end (noscript). But I would still like to know how to insert a link to youtube page without embedding it. Bare links should, it seems to me, be handled in a consistent way and embedding, as with pictures, only be done if specifically requested.

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ September 22, 2013

Yeah, that's one thing I overlooked in my implementation. I use a few libraries which basically sanitize the HTML and convert anything that looks like a link into an HTML link. Since the libraries didn't natively support Youtube embedding and embed tags are generally not a safe HTML element to allow users to use, it seemed reasonable to pass every link on the page to Youtube parser and just convert to an embedded video if it looks like Youtube. I suppose I could add some kind of exception... if it sees a link that's trying to target a new window or whatnot, don't embed it. Let me think about that one. Currently I don't really have a way to NOT embed Youtube links.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ September 23, 2013

Thanks for the explanation. I suppose if I really want a youtube link not to be embedded I could create an alias for the link using tinyurl so that the youtube parser would not recognize it. It's not a big deal, though. If it's all one or the other, better to have them embedded.

The thing that I think would make the most difference here, and which would seem easy, would be to expand the "recent entries" list. When I get on and look for interesting new posts from people I might not be familiar with, the 25 is a pretty small selection. Having 100 or so to browse might enable more readership.

Oh, while I have your ear, what is your view of the visitor counting/mapping stuff like sitemeter and statcounter that require user scripting? I have no desire to track individual visitors, but it would be nice to get a visit/visitor count and a world map to see if anyone's listening.

Etoile Filante simple mind ⋅ November 12, 2013

What about videos embedded in Photobucket :-) (sorry just looking about to see if I could find a solution to the video embed issue I noted you about on your latest entry) xXx

Camdengirl September 26, 2013

Bulleted lists not working for me ... any ideas? I just get them running on from the last one with "*"

LotusButterfly January 09, 2014

ok, that monkey stole my face right now LOL!! Thanks for the tips!!!

Deleted user January 27, 2014

Thanks for the useful formatting tips! I was absolutely clueless at first, lol. Glad I found this! Thanks again.

FitLadyDi February 03, 2014

Can you edit this to show us how to make a hyperlink that redirects to a different page/tab? I'm going to look it up, but if you added it to this box of tricks that would be awesome!

simple mind FitLadyDi ⋅ February 03, 2014

Actually that should just happen without doing anything extra. :)

FitLadyDi simple mind ⋅ February 03, 2014

I meant like this

  Learn More Here! 

Country Wife February 11, 2014

Is there a way to change font colors in our entries? Like I was going to retake an old survey I found and have my new answers <font color="#9E0508">like this</font> but it doesn't work

Sumido July 13, 2014

<h1>Alright then, let's try: </h1>
Deleted user April 15, 2016

IS IT POSSIBLE to put a picture from my pinterest page into my diary page? I can't figure out how?

simple mind Deleted user ⋅ April 16, 2016

I'm not familiar enough with Pinterest to know for sure. If they allow image hotlinking via URL, then yes. But it's entirely possible that they don't.

Deleted user simple mind ⋅ April 17, 2016

If they do, how would I write the code?

Sup3rjaw August 12, 2016

Hey there. First of all, great site. As a former opendiary writer I really appreciate it. I'm actually starting to add entries from my own diary. I appreciate certain features such as automatically embedding a youtube video just by pasting the URL, but what if I don't what it to do that? What if I just want it to be a good ol' link instead? I've tried the markdown and html approaches and they produce the same behaviour. Had a good look in the Wiki and couldn't find anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

simple mind Sup3rjaw ⋅ August 12, 2016

Not sure how familiar you are with HTML, but if I remember correctly, you can use an HTML anchor tag like so:

<a href="" target="_blank">

The target="_blank" attribute should give you what you want (I think).

Sup3rjaw simple mind ⋅ August 15, 2016

That does appear to have worked, thank you!

Deleted user October 17, 2016

I am again, having problems posting videos from youtube, please help

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