611 in idea barrages

  • June 10, 2015, 11:20 p.m.
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1.) Yo brother’s so bluegrass, at the end of the show he gets paid in suspenders.

2.) Put everything you ever accomplished by playing it safe in your hand and you’ll be lucky if you’ve got a palmful of sand.

3.) Whenever I see Darth Vader unmasked at the end of JEDI, I want him to bust out a mean harmonica solo.

4.) The worst and best thing about me is that I’m basically an attitudinal feedback loop. Feed me positivity and I will give back twice as much enthusiasm. Feed me negativity and I will give back ten times as much despair and eventually just shut down and hide. I’m not saying it’s a good way to be a person, I’m just saying that’s who I am. I have tried to change it and it has never taken.

5.) Have to remember that mushrooms don’t exist just to spite me. Some people think they are edible, the poor deluded fools.

6.) I feel like the student loan companies and the anxiety pharmaceutical industry have some kind of kick-back deal between them.

7.) Your brother so bluegrass, when he took a pig to the county fair, it won the Pabst Blue Ribbon.

8.) Your brother so bluegrass, he thought Pooh Bear got stuck in the honey tree looking for mustache wax.

9.) It’s fun to pretend that Jon Arbuckle in Garfield is an illegitimate descendant of Fatty Arbuckle.

10.) Has there been an erotic retelling of Aladdin called “Bathtub Djinn”?

11.) Hold on tight to your dreams but like a balloon not like a cross you’ve been nailed to. Your art’s a joyous rebellion not a cruel sacrifice.

12.) Gotta call student loans tomorrow, talk them into something after they refused me anymore deferrals. This is really stressing me out. I know it seems like a minor thing but it really winds me up. Sorry if I’ve been particular twitchy.

M June 11, 2015

It seems to me that #4 is more common than you think.

Squidobarnez June 12, 2015


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