Kittytime. in The Napkin.
- June 2, 2015, 1:45 a.m.
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Late naps at weird, not knowing what time it is.
I mean, I woke up and T’Pol was snuggled into my knee pit. Those that have cats know what I mean. As soon as I started to wake up, of course, she trilled and jumped off the bed. Far better than she is first thing in the morning, of course.
I’m actually an iota surprised they weren’t bothering me for food. They ALWAYS bother me for food “in the morning” even if it’s FIVE IN THE MORNING. I’m just like GIRLS, COME ON, I JUST FED YOU FIVE HOURS AGO. But anyway. I tend to feed my girls when I get up, around five, and when I go to sleep. I seemed like a good idea at the time, but now it means they’ll bother me for food THREE TIMES A DAY. Whoops. Even though it’s almost 9, there’s a fairly good chance T’Pol will bother me for food every single time I go into the kitchen for the rest of the night.
I usually roll my eyes and say “Excuse me? What is it T’Pol? Is there a fire? I’m sorry, I don’t understand this rudimentary communication.” She’s pretty vocal. Her sister, on the other hand, rarely begs for food. So. If Kira’s bugging me for food, I figure she’s actually hungry. Whereas T’Pol will eat ALL THE FOOD.
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