1117 in idea barrages
- Nov. 17, 2014, 3:24 p.m.
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- Public
1.) The weirdest idea I’ve ever had for a sitcom was titled HANGIN’ WITH JAMES FENIMORE COOPER.
2.) Dear gas station ad, you can’t call your gas “a full tank of freedom” unless you give it away. Crass commerce is not freedom.
3.) A country hair-metal band called Bonnie RATT.
4.) Cover Janis Joplin in the style of Scott Joplin. Chop in some Chopin.
5.) His love for ferns found unrequited, he resided in the frond zone.
6.) Our Wesley Willis cover band will be called Dontrelle Willis and it will be GLORIOUS. MORE GLORIOUS THAN GRAND.
7.) If your rocket burns out swallow the sky, if your boat springs a leak drink the sea but if it ever gets boring leave your fella and find me.
8.) He asked her “how do I overcome despair?” and after thinking she said “with dis pair!” flashing him her breasts. She was right, of course.
9.) Sometimes you just gotta listen to The Eagles to remind yourself why you don’t listen to The Eagles.
10.) A movie just called COMPETITION UNDERDOG and no film is projected, you just sit there and imagine through the paces of the cliches.
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