aug 12 in idea barrages

  • Aug. 12, 2024, 1:36 a.m.
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  • Public

  1. Like in so many of my dreams, part of my clothes just disappeared, I guess I slipped them off to do a quick poem to cover for a guy to tune his guitar, as my father taught me, to perform in my socks. Thing is, I did it by reflex and didn’t realize it, so it felt like Dream Magic.

  2. It’s like Jeff Dahmer always said: “you can’t put all your legs in one basket”.

  3. There aren’t enough uses of the joke where they say someone won a lifetime supply of something, they give the person one of it and then they drop a piano on them. It’s a classic and I miss it.

  4. How many times are we going to get different streamers trying to reboot fantasy IP over and over, trying to get their own Arry Potta? LOTR, Percy Jackson, Narnia and on and on and on? It was lightning in bottle, boys, no point putting out target bottles now, it’s over.

  5. A mystery novel where Rachel Ray is the killer and it’s called NECESSARY EVOO.


  7. Why say “ATM pin” when you can say “safe word”?

  8. Why say “bat’leth” when you can say “sworf”?

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