june 23 in idea barrages

  • June 22, 2024, 9:07 p.m.
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  1. I enjoy the weird confluence of how now all genre media is about terrible timelines and then we all go on social media and post about them on our own terrible timelines.

  2. Cinnamon Twists: the dessert you can pretend is healthy because it’s mostly air and we all gotta breathe!

  3. Tee-shirts with the logos of the generic store brand knock-off cereals that come in plastic bags instead of boxes, that are just different enough for the real thing to avoid a lawsuit, that’d be fun. You know like “Chocolate Rocks” instead of “Cocoa Pebbles”, that sorta thing.

  4. Not in terms of individual technical talent, but in terms of pushing an aesthetic and storytelling approach that appeals to almost no one and works for very few film stories, influencing so many filmmakers to similarly fail, is Zak Synder the worst film director of all time?

  5. At Soviet Olive Garden, breadsticks fill up on YOU.

  6. Ironically, the guy who believed himself a Norse god was eventually treated with Thorazine.

  7. Your sadness, rage, negative emotions aren’t the things that makes you interesting. The way you fight them, the way you work to overcome them, contain them, try to get something positive out them, that is the magic. We can be overcoming machines, at least for a little while.

  8. I know I need to go to sleep so I can go to work tomorrow but part of me is demanding I write a parody song called “Biblically-Accurate Earth Angel”.

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