may 10 in idea barrages

  • May 9, 2024, 9:32 p.m.
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  • Public

  1. A Coverdale-Page cover band just called “Dale Page”.

  2. A parody of “All-Star” that opens with the lines “Rhett BUTLER once told me / the dude don’t wanna know me / said frankly, dear, he don’t give a damn”.

  3. I mean, when a show’s been on for 200 years straight, it’s difficult to not forget, Simpsin’ ain’t easy.

  4. The Teddy Roosevelt quote “I dream of men who take the next step instead of worrying about the next thousand steps” gives off big Drive Into A House Because GPS Says So energy.

  5. Pets hate the vacuum cleaner because you’re sucking up all their favourite ghost buddies.

  6. A combination rave and rodeo. A raveo. The clowns are all day-glo. The bulls are on molly. The music is, absolutely, the worst thing you’ve ever heard in your life. It’s an experience.

  7. I’ll probably never own a set of bronze-lined rigatoni extruders but it’s certainly within the realm of pastability.

  8. quis est continens copia? - who contains the container store?

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