I Shower Daily. in The Napkin.
- May 8, 2024, 7:48 a.m.
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Just an annotation.
I have had periods of depression where I wasn’t showering. I’m talking weeks, man. Things get unpleasant, trust me. I live in this meatbag, and it sucks.
I have about three levels of showering. There’s Washed My Hair. This means the obvious. Since water flows down and softens hair, I tend to also shave various things in the process. This is time consuming, and can take upwards of 45 minutes from the time of disrobing to drying off and braiding my hair.
I have to work around the knowledge that it takes this long, and trick myself into it at times. The actual process of washing my hair takes significantly less time since I’ve been actually washing my hair regularly.
Next level down is I shaved. This means washing everything from nose-down. I hate shaving my face, and cut myself if I shave in the mirror. I’ve been shaving my face in the shower for decades. Naturally, since water flows down, I’ll shave anything else, if I feel like it.
And the low bar is I showered, which is everything neck-down. Sometimes I shave my balls, sometimes not. But overall, takes less than five minutes to wash the pits, balls, anus, and feet.
Between work and lifting, I have a reason to shower every morning. (I’ve intentionally aligned some lifting days for my days off, as full no-work no-lifting days depress me.)
Just a small annotation. I “slept in” to 1:45 am, as today is one of my rest days. Today is my work-Friday, and tomorrow I lift on my day off. Maybe I could have gotten away with just rinsing my boypits, but eh. I wanted to wash the slime off my face, and the sink can never get the job done quite right.
Now, where’s my appropriately small slice of cheesecake, for basic epidermis maintenance?
Yes, indeed. I ensure my tiny white butt is kissably clean every single day.
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