dc28 in idea barrages

  • Dec. 27, 2023, 8:55 p.m.
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  1. When the moon parachutes / right on up your own snoot / ParAmore

  2. Sometimes to be a good person, you gotta be bad at being a person. Shut off the “achieve, acquire, dominate” drive from our animal past that doesn’t work in a society, let the self-damaging community-healing compassion for others flow. Be bad what being a person used to mean.

  3. They never said “ewok” in the whole movie. Not once. It only existed on merchandising packages but we absorbed it as if it was part of the tale itself. It was right there that we all knew it had to end, but money, oh money, the only real you care about is “real estate”.

  4. So what you’re telling me is that the Dali Lama hasn’t used “show-my-lama-ding-dong” as part of a pick-up-line? Really? I highly doubt it. Someone with even the faintest stain of divinity brushed upon them would know that’s too good of a pun to not use.

  5. You really wanna know where redemption comes from? It’s not pleasant I wish it was easier. You find redemption by doing better the next time & even better the next time, on & on until you die or the stars go out, whichever comes last. I’m not up to the task but I’m trying anyway.

  6. If I ever figure out how to mash up Aimee Mann’s “I Was Thinking I Could Clean Up For Christmas”, The Eels’ “Sad Foot Sign” and Elliott Smith’s “Happiness” into one song of amazing melancholy, I think I’mma call it “Echo Park Lullabye”.

  7. I pumped my gas tonight and there was no music and there was no ads, no voices, just a couple instructive chirps and it was so beautiful. It was like waking up from a bad dream. Just got my gas and left. Bliss.

  8. After her conjoined twin cousins once-removed were separated, they were both now twice-removed, of course.

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