mar 23 in idea barrages

  • March 23, 2023, 1:28 a.m.
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  • Public

  1. Some people hold grudges so long, they’re practically dry-aged, that’s how old the beef is.

  2. I have now realized that the optimal parody of Bob Dylan’s “Mississippi” would be about the Superman villain Mr. Mxyzptlk and it is like the lamest sense of nirvana ever.

  3. A metal album about Thanksgiving called “One Foot In The Gravy”.

  4. Letting yourself be soft is one of the most important things to learn in all of life. Defenses are needed at times but if your defenses stay up 24/7, you wear yourself out and miss so much of the beauty and joy of an already too hard life.

  5. He become a sailor to get some vitamin sea and then died from scurvy from a lack of vitamin c.

  6. Those books people buy just to put along their walls to look smart while never actually reading them? Those are shelf-help books.

  7. Janis Joplin’s “Mercedes Benz” except every time she sings “Oh Lord” it is followed by that little drum flourish from “In The Air Tonight”.

  8. If there is ever a community on the internet for death-fakers, I look forward to the day they have to call out someone in their community for never actually having faked with own death.

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