jan 20 in idea barrages
- Jan. 19, 2023, 4:54 p.m.
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Kicking it out to a wing for a risky three instead of going for an easy lay-up is known as the Dunk-Cost Fallacy.
The glummest member of a Ren Faire troupe is called the “Theeyore”.
If you order food delivery on Cyber Monday through a holiday sale, is that CYBER DYNE? Will you be funding the robot rebellion?
The ultimate mash-up of Ren & Stimpy with My Chemical Romance would, of course, be “Welcome to the Yak Parade”.
You know, I mean, Thanksgiving was great but when do we get Regretsgiving? Regretsmas? Regretsoween? It only seems fair.
I hate the nightmares where it’s… all your life averaging out. Merging. Different people and places folding together into a mean (in the math sense) of all the things that have surrounded you. Everything fundamentally right but specifically wrong.
If when you tackle the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage, you do a “sack dance” in celebration, if you sack him in his own endzone scoring two points, do you do some kind of… safety dance?
All you gotta pay to get in a prison is the admission of guilt.
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