6.14 in idea barrages

  • June 14, 2014, 11:42 p.m.
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1.) I just want to be treated well and not be bored. Give me those two things and I'll probably follow you to the ends of the Earth.

2.) The story in reverse: God creates a disaster in hopes of people begging for help and then grows discouraged that they planned ahead instead.

3.) If you wanna keep swinging into the shift you're gonna havta clear the fence when you connect. The stacked fielders WILL shag anything less.

4.) Actually, on a burning zeppelin, it's not the heat it's the humanity.

5.) When you cheer for an encore, only then are you truly the coda commander.

6.) The prequel to "What To Expect When You're Expecting" will be called "Preconceived Notions". It will be terrible.

7.) Can I pay a little extra to not have TM or circle-Rs on my logo shirts? Your legalese busies the design and demeans us both.

8.) The moment we accepted them changing the jingle to "I am stuck on Band-Aid BRANDS" is the moment we sealed our fate as a culture.

9.) She was addicted to shortening phrases into pithy words, such as she was an acronymphomanic.

10.) In Japan, Super Fraternity Brothers 2 was originally called Doki Doki Gay Panic.

11.) A D&D character fleeing from battle yelling "feats don't fail me now!"

12.) Has an old lady cosplayed as Grand Ma Tarkin at a con yet? Clearly the first one to try deserves an automatic win.

13.) He traveled the land planting questionably-accurate trivia wherever he went and they called him Johnny Snappleseed.

14.) He went back and forth as to his favourite team. He was an oscillating fan.

15.) Glow in the dark hour and minute hands? Not on MY watch.

16.) A steampunk astronautics show called "Space: 1899" would probably clean up with a certain demographic.

17.) There must be at least one feeder fetish "Dr Quinn Medicine Woman" fan-fiction that elicited the response "FEED ME, SEYMOUR!"

18.) The breakout song from THE MUPPET CHAINSAW MASSACRE was, of course, IT'S NOT EASY BEING GEIN.

19.) would have to locate an entire audience of Garfield nerds for writing "Wichita Lyman" as a parody.

20.) Gotta monetize 'em all, Patreon!

21.) Our generation must explain to the next that Donatello is the best Ninja Turtle because his weapon reached farther in the video games.

22.) I dare the world to make Sega CD-style FMV games ala Night Trap out of famous good-bad movies. Manos. Troll 2. Black Ninja. Etc.

23.) There must be a band named "Traitor Joe's". There MUST be.

24.) Writing self-insert Tig Notaro fan-fiction is called "Tig Welding" in the community. I assume.

25.) Abecrombie and Fitch is no longer to be referred to as a store. It is a "brodega".

26.) Most of all I'm continually disappointed that everyone else calls it "The Capital District" and not "Albania" as we all should.

27.) He gains amazing beer muscles and X-ray beer goggles. He is Stuporman.

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