6.11 in idea barrages

  • June 11, 2014, 10:59 p.m.
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1.) Your poor use of haircurlers will go on your permanent record.

2.) Would a big hairy dude in leather who teaches healthful stretching and breathing be a yogi bear?

3.) The National Raygun Association's motto is "Rayguns don't molecularly disintegrate people, PEOPLE molecularly disintegrate people."

4.) "Choice" is a weird word. It presumes all things equal, just a coinflip between two equally difficult or easy paths. I prefer "decision".

5.) Why is the sound of a helicopter reflexively ominous to me? Too many movies about the Vietnam era? Is this just me?

6.) I associate irrelevant interjections of "bitch" with Freddie Kruger not Aaron Paul and I guess that means I'm out of touch?

7.) a video game lullaby: circle strafe, circle strafe/it's pretty boring/but it's really safe/circle strafe, circle strafe.

8.) The exterior of the karaoke bar at the beginning of Aimee Mann's "Calling It Quits" video was part of the Gower Gulch strip mall which includes the Denny's my little story is taking place in. I honestly did not realize that until this moment. Quelle coincedence.

9.) Jim Carrey is slowly but surely morphing into Rachel Maddow. It's a solid choice but still a strange metamorphosis.

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