My tagline. in The Napkin.
- July 26, 2022, 3:56 p.m.
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Science, video & tabletop games, metal, gymrat, and burning down the patriarchy.
Eh, it’s a work in progress. Less about pidgeonholing me, and more about warding away people who wouldn’t accept me. I WILL DATE SOMEDAY, OKAY.
I can leave out atheist. I can leave out submissive. Or my love of tacos. As who the hell doesn’t love tacos? Though....
Science, video & tabletop games, metal, gymrat, and burning down the patriarchy while munching on tacos.
Heh. Liberalism with a side of humility. Yeah yeah, I know there’s a difference between “left” and “liberal”, but I’m not above using them interchangeably. Resigned misanthrope, ha ha. Because… there really isn’t much any one of us can do to stop the decline of Rome. All we can do is make the most of the time we have left on this Earth.
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