july 19 in idea barrages
- July 19, 2022, 2:49 a.m.
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If you misremember the Simpsons and think Kearney said “Nuke The Whales”, is that a Nelson Mandela effect?
You can say “well, I’ll just move to Canada” all you like but if all the sane people leave, that just raises the chances Canada gets invaded by the leftover crazy Americans’ grandchildren in The Fresh Water Wars of 2080.
The fact you’re not famous isn’t a reflection on your value as a human being. No matter what all the technology in the world wants to tell you. It’s random at best and a curse more often. We are not here to be famous. We are here to ameliorate each others pain.
How many people must be slaughtered in our schools, our malls, our groceries, our town squares, our parades, our parks, our restaurants before you finally decide “you know? my fantasy of being Rambo isn’t worth all this awful suffering”?
A murder mystery ARG sprinkled through youtube foodie videos called FOND FOOTAGE.
It helps to remember that your neuroses, your unhealthy impulses, they probably were once defense mechanisms that at least kind of worked, for one trauma or another. When your mind fights itself, it really is TRYING to protect you, it just got the program wrong on how to DO that.
Prime-time game shows in summer are television’s “dumping the bad movies in January because no one’s watching anyway”. They don’t care, we don’t care, they know we don’t care, we know they don’t care and bleep blop bloop, Drew Carey giving people cars.
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