Ground turkey is cheaper than beef bologna. Weird, right? in The Napkin.
- Jan. 28, 2022, 12:41 a.m.
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After lifting seven days in a row, I took a rest day.
Well. Not rest-rest. I find that if I take a day of complete rest, I get hungry. I know, it sounds weird to outsiders. Exercise still functions like an appetite suppressant for me. So, just the dreadmill this morning. A bit easier, since I’m not doing cardio 3x a week anymore.
Cardio after a leg day is death. After an upper day, not an issue at all.
Increased my intervals to 2 minutes on, 3 minutes off. Don’t really care if I get back to finishing 5km straight. Just nice to be able to hold a faster pace longer.
About a month out from my vacation.
I haven’t decided whether to train my legs specifically for the stairs. I mean, they aren’t an issue for me. I’m neurotic and would rather take the stairs than an elevator. Last two cruises, my legs felt AMAZING after a week. Last leg workout, I tested out doing a step-up into reverse lunge, and it’s totally doable.
Something like that. I switch legs at the top, but whatever, you get the idea. Oh yeah, my hip mobility is good. : ) Probably will add weight next session.
I’m going to treat that week as a forced week off. Well. Sorta. I’ll probably get up and do something active while everyone else on the boat is hungover. But, no heavy lifting.
The core of my routine hasn’t changed in years. Something like
Horizontal Pull 3-5xheavy
Horizontal Pull 3-5xheavy
Vertical Pull 3-4xnotasheavy
Vertical Push 3-4nothasheavy
With the second upper day being flipped. Lower body has reverted to
In practice, the core lifts look something like this:
Upper A
DB Row 4x6
BB Bench 4x6
Wide Lat Pulldown 3x12
DB Overhead Press 3x12
Lower A
Squat 3x8
Deadlift 3x5
Walking Lunges 3x12
Upper B
Pulldown 4x6
BB Overhead Press 4x6
Wide-grip Cable Row 3x12
DB Bench 3x12
Lower B
Front Squat 3x5
Sumo Deadlift 3x8
Step-up 3x12
Ah, looks so simple on paper. …And really, it is. Once I’m in a groove, it goes pretty fast, even if the crux is 45-50 minutes. What can I say, as a math person, I like symmetry. The whole brosplit (one “muscle” per workout, once a week) mentality makes no sense to me. Movements, not muscles; at least that’s how I think. Isolation work then rounds out the aesthetics.
Oh, I got my booster yesterday. Better than drinking my own urine like these covidiots. On a long enough timeline, republicans will kill off their own voting base. Sadly, their selfishness puts the immunocompromised, and those who can’t get vaccinated, at risk. Yadda yadda.
Have your feeds been infected with wordle yet? I reckon I like it. Few minutes a day, and that’s that. Sure beats when I was into Castleville. Ha ha, I don’t even feel ashamed. Candi literally created FB alts to help her game. : D Aaahhhh, simpler times.
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