barrage and so on in idea barrages

  • May 19, 2014, 6:46 p.m.
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1.) Guinness with a shot of vodka and a french fry garnish. An Irish Carb Bomb.

2.) Classy people don't call 'em "assless chaps". We just call 'em "rear window".

3.) Is there a French rap that involves the line "sans brassiere?/avec pleasir!"? There should be.

4.) Think of all the things you touched today shipped from half a world away so a rich man maybe one town over didn't have to pay a living wage.

5.) Billy Joel looks like a constipated owl now.

6.) All these near-misses & almosts lately. I'd say the odds suggest soon I havta have success but that might just be gambler's fallacy.

7.) I hate when I can't be funny because nothing feels funny. It's like a phantom limb.

8.) When 150 mg of diphenhydramine can't put you to sleep, you start to wonder what will.

9.) Parody of that Royals song about how the Tin Man need oiiiiiiil, oiiiiiiiiil?

10.) An epic Bibleman/Davey and Goliath/Veggie Tales crossover called CHRIST IS ON INFINITE EARTHS?

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