Bacon is Overrated. in The Napkin.
- Oct. 16, 2021, 10:51 a.m.
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Maybe it’s a trope I never understood, but well, here I am saying it. People love bacon.
I am not one of those people.
Oh, I’m not against bacon. If it’s on a burger or pizza, cool, I’ll eat it and not pick it off. But sizzling bacon in a pan?
My better-half and daughter like bacon. Whenever Wifenado would cook bacon, the smell made me feel very uncomfortable and I’d have to be nowhere near the kitchen. It reminded me of the way my Grandma reacted to cooking ground beef. (Grandma is vegetarian by virtue of being Indian, so…) It’s weird how one cooking fat wafting in the air makes me go YES TACOS and another just doesn’t call to me at all.
It’s not intrinsically pig that throws me off, as I do enjoy ham, and pork in other fashion.
It’s just… interesting.
OH, I just remembered something. I make AMAZING pork chops. Trust me. Wifenado said she didn’t like pork chops, but she gave me a chance and admitted to enjoying the pork chops I make. (Can’t go wrong with lemon rosemary and bake in an oven.)
(Though, this may be partly because she was raised in a house that never had pork. Fake pork is atrocious and I don’t get it. Also, “fake meat” is ridiculous. Supposedly what makes fake meat work is they put something in it that is integral to the red blood cell. Screw that - I’d rather enjoy some roasted brussel sprouts. Some buttered corn. Green beans! Carrots in ranch dressing! Give me vegetables that are, you know, VEGETABLES. Mmmm.)
But bacon?
I almost wonder if marketing has gotten to people.
How do you and your house feel about bacon?
Last updated October 16, 2021
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