More Tattoo Thoughts. in The Napkin.
- Sept. 10, 2021, 8:06 p.m.
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I’m just assuming I’ve written about tattoos before? I feel like I have a half-dozen ideas, but here’s a few that have stuck in my head.
Green Ranger symbol. There’s also one that looks a little more like the Dragonzord, but this is simpler. Simpler is good. And yes, I’d like a lime green negative space along with the black. Wait, technically the black is the negative space. Whatever. Oddly, I’m thinking of the top of my foot for this one. I otherwise don’t know where to put it.
Vector search for cats snagged me this one, and some other ones. But this one is the simplest. Upper right back.
Variation of a triskele. Apparently it can be a bdsm symbol. Potential spot is left asscheek, though I could put it on the center of my upper back or neck without being codified as anything.
Apparently a symbol for atheist? I don’t know, I’ll probably favor just a generic atomic symbol if I do.
Magus. Right upper arm, on the outer bicep.
IDIC - stands for “Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations”. Left hand Or above pubis. : D
Maybe not this precisely, but I love the concept. Could add some color, though it will be small, so it might not be worth it. Inside of left wrist. I may be right-handed, but my left side is an iota stronger. Moreover, I have not forgotten the chest pains that shot down through my left pinkie. I endured that, folks. I have strength. <3
I seriously can’t pick a location.
Oh, and I’ve thought of getting a Metallica tattoo. Just one little thing holding me back.
I keep hearing Homer’s voice in my head over and over. Oh sure, I don’t think I’ll care much if Metallica someday “sucks”. After all, the Devils have had some really shitty years, but it doesn’t matter.
Oh, one more thing: A script T. Specifically, MY script T, which I don’t think anybody else does. Could be a nice tramp stamp, though it’s a little TOO simple for a tramp stamp.
Oh, maybe ONE thing more…
I’d like to do a Queen of Spades and Jack of Diamonds. As I love Pinochle. Just one problem:
The Queen of Spades symbol means BLACK COCK ONLY.
I am completely serious, this is a popular thing in the kink community. And while I have nothing against black cock, that’s not something I’d like to be known for. I am MORE than my love of black cock.
Last updated September 10, 2021
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