I'm sweaty. in The Napkin.
- Sept. 5, 2021, 12:10 p.m.
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Forgot my towel for my post-workout shower. I prefer being naked and showering at the gym, rather than driving home covered in my own TimmySweat. Thankfully, I caught this before I showered. I mean, snagging my towel peri-disrobing is part of the routine.
On the upside, I should be able to convince myself to skim all three litter boxes. Because I’ll be showering afterwards anyway. Also, took the time to already consume 2 eggs. Nutrition!
Bumped into Chris at the gym. Funny how many members of Fight Club go to the same gym as me, but how few I actually see. Thankfully, the brief conversation had nothing to do with Fight Club. Glad to see the first two rules in place.
I’m still posting on Fitocracy, and I have my carbon log that I bring to the gym. I like posting here for commentary, but the time it takes to post, well. Kind of causes the entrymaking to be a part time job? I’d rather post about other things than me picking up and putting them down? Deadlift work sets were 10x3 @ 205 lbs with 1 minute rest periods, if anyone cares. Nothing maximal.
Doing a lot of headwriting for my next novel. What seems to be a common thread is doing an alternate universe childhood of myself. You know, the same novel I’ve written twice. Except. If the pandemic happened then. Imagine growing up and all you see are eyebrows. Suddenly, cheekbones, chins, and lips become something intimate and forbidden.
We’ll see what direction I take.
I alternate between accepting that I may never look like I lift, and getting pissed off at it. As in, being pissed off and wanting to lift more and dial in my nutrition.
Wife has a theory that I’m allergic to something in this state, as I never had acne/zits like this prior to moving here. Fathom that: Jersey air is cleaner than great plains air.
Last updated September 05, 2021
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