mar 15 in idea barrages
- March 13, 2021, 7:28 p.m.
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- Public
singing “When you read until there’s pizzas, PARP it like it’s hot, PARP it like it’s hot, PARP it like it’s hot”
Have a merchandise sale in the middle of March called THE IDES OF MERCH.
If you’re a doctor specializing in venereal diseases and you don’t put “Cured Meats” on your business card, you’re just no fun.
Britain’s greatest culinary creation is, of course, the chuffed crust pizza.
A Christmas song about doppelganger hallucinations involving the line “from now on, my doubles will be far away”.
How is Garrett Cole like a urologist? They both doctor balls.
Whenever I hear the phrase “French peasant bread” I don’t imagine a hearty loaf made from coarse grains, I imagine a single wrinkled one-Euro note.
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