mar 15 in idea barrages

  • March 13, 2021, 7:28 p.m.
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  • Public

  1. singing “When you read until there’s pizzas, PARP it like it’s hot, PARP it like it’s hot, PARP it like it’s hot”

  2. Have a merchandise sale in the middle of March called THE IDES OF MERCH.

  3. If you’re a doctor specializing in venereal diseases and you don’t put “Cured Meats” on your business card, you’re just no fun.

  4. Britain’s greatest culinary creation is, of course, the chuffed crust pizza.

  5. A Christmas song about doppelganger hallucinations involving the line “from now on, my doubles will be far away”.

  6. How is Garrett Cole like a urologist? They both doctor balls.

  7. Whenever I hear the phrase “French peasant bread” I don’t imagine a hearty loaf made from coarse grains, I imagine a single wrinkled one-Euro note.


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