june 3 in idea barrages

  • June 2, 2019, 2:20 p.m.
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1.) The youtube version of “word to your mother” is “link to my discord”.

2.) Be the world you wish to see in the change.

3.) I still say “Brexit” sounds like vomiting blood sausages, eggs and beans at 10 in the AM.

4.) Let’s be real, the crushing student and medical debt you heaped on millenials is what “killed” anything you think millenials “killed”. They’d love to buy new clothes or whatever but they’re too busy trying to stop Navient from taking their thumbs.

5.) SAT analogy time! Bocce is to cornhole as polenta is to grits.

6.) My fav set-up with no punchline: Schrodinger either does or does not walk into a bar.

7.) If you could hack the game LEMMINGS so that all the little lemmings are Lemmy from Motorhead, I think you’d have yourself quite the little meme right there.

8.) The “Crazy Geniuses” did their best most well-remembered work during periods of lucidity or recovery. The works of “madness” were generally crap, either hidden by their estates or they themselves burned in a manic frenzy. Don’t fetishize mental illness.

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