janu29 in idea barrages
- Jan. 28, 2019, 12:10 p.m.
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1.) All that really separates us from the animals are the notion of recurrent debts, like car payments or student loans. Another point for the animals.
2.) Effort is only worth anything when what you’re doing is fun and your benefit from the effort is a mere added bonus.
3.) The day that Chewbacca became politically engaged enough to join the Rebellion was the day he went from Wookie to Wokeie.
4.) If you like your bathtub, better put a ring on it.
5.) They’re wrong about time, it doesn’t heal all wounds, just the non-fatal ones.
6.) Are there any kind of demi-vampires or quarter-vampires who are only allergic to the sun between sunrise and noon? Asking for a me.
7.) A phrase that would be sweetly romantic written but easily misconstrued spoken would be “I dont want a smothering love, I dont need a better half, I need two wholes”.
8.) If you believe in anything beyond this life, dont think that you can worship it with pretty words or sacrifice or prayers, let alone by owning stuff. You worship it by loving each other, that’s the only thing it hears.
Squidobarnez ⋅ January 28, 2019
that last one is dead-on.