janu28 in idea barrages
- Jan. 27, 2019, 2:13 p.m.
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1.) When the estate of Jonathan Larson approves a RENT-themed BBQ spice rub, I’m jumping in with “Seasonings of Love”.
2.) Your savory dinner-breads will be advertised with the slogan “Thyme… To Make The Donuts”.
3.) Explain Dunkin Donuts to a Canadian as “Boston Tim Hortons”.
4.) Sometimes I imagine advice from my father and think “i wish it really was him telling me this as a spirit instead of just knowing what he’d say”. Then that same voice asks ” does the difference matter?”
5.) Performing isn’t faking it, “fake it til you make it” is a tactic they foist on you so that you’ll fail and they’ll succeed. Performance is finding a place, a space, an idea that you believe in, really believe in, and then selling the hell out of that thing.
6.) Were the forced labour camps in Iraq called “Baathist Body Works”?
7.) You’re the person you’re gonna have to spend the rest of your life with.
8.) The best case scenario for Coldplay was that they were going to turn into Radiohead, the worst that they were going to turn into U2 and, hey, sometimes you just don’t get lucky and entropy wins.
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