2/9 Barrage in idea barrages
- Feb. 9, 2014, 6:10 p.m.
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1.) The next time someone is passive-aggressively jealous of you just say "Do you need some peanut butter to go with all that JELLY?"
2.) A man with hockey hair picking apples and the caption "When A Cider Comes Along, You Must Mullet".
3.) I've used the death of my old journal service as an excuse to update my parody song masterfile all the way to now. By the format I use to perform off of, it is a 411-page Word document. It is nearly 83,000 words. It is technically novel-length at this point. Good Lord.
4.) Just counted. I've written 320 parody songs. Maybe 50 are actually recording worthy. I'm pretty good at something useless, guys.
5.) Love how NBC pretends the Olympics are the only thing happening as they own the rights while ESPN barely nods at it as they don't.
6.) A parody of "Paradise City" about time-travel paradoxes?
7.) The tyranny of the endless now, unable to react or even process, just accept and keep clicking, forward on in the technicolour nightmare.
8.) When facebook asks me if I want to share, I keep waiting for the option for "awesome". So that my life event is simply "Mike Cecconi is awesome". We'll get there, internet, you and me.
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